Below you will find a selection of experiences suitable for children aged 0-2 that you can carry out to support their creativity.

Biscuit cutter printing

Use simple materials to support your child's grasping skills as they make a beautiful picture.

Safety First

Ensure that your baby is carefully supervised during this experience. Discourage your baby from placing paint into their mouths.

What to do

For this experience, pour some paint into some Tupperware containers and find some biscuit cutters. Cover a surface with some newspaper secured with masking tape and place some paper on it.

Place an apron on your baby or take off their clothes down to their nappy as they prefer. Show your baby how they can use the cutters to print different shapes onto the paper.

Use simple language to describe what they are doing as they explore. Your baby will probably also want to explore the paint with their fingers!

More Information

Supporting your baby's fine motor skills helps them to learn to explore and find out more about the world around them.

Scrunch painting

Encourage your child to explore textures in this painting experience.

Safety First

Always ensure your baby is carefully supervised when using paint.

What to do

For this experience, pour some paint into some Tupperware containers. Cover a surface with some newspaper secured with masking tape and place some paper on it.

Place an apron on your baby or take off their clothes down to their nappy as they prefer. Using another piece of paper scrunch this into a ball and show your baby how they can scrunch it too in their hands. Next, show your baby how they can dip the scrunched up paper into the paint and use it to print on their flat piece of paper.

Use simple language to describe what they are doing as they explore. Your baby will probably also want to explore the paint with their fingers! Why not try other types of paper? For example you could try scrunching newspaper, kitchen roll or tissue paper and try printing with these!

More Information

Providing opportunities for your baby to develop and practice their hand grasp, will support them in being able to freely explore and discover the textures and resources around them.

Zip lock paint

Support your child's exploration in this mess free experience!

Safety First

Never leave your baby unsupervised with plastic bags.

What to do

Firstly gather together a zip lock bag, some coloured paint, a piece of card and some masking tape. Cut the card so it fits inside the zip lock bag and squeeze some coloured paint onto it. Next, seal the bag and use the masking tape to fix it onto a table or your baby's highchair.

Next, sit your baby in their highchair or on your lap at the table and show them how they can use their fingers to explore pushing the paint around the bag. Use simple words to describe what they are doing as they move the paint.

Why not try this again, but this time draw a picture on the card first and see if your baby can move the paint so they can see the picture!

More Information

Initially babies take delight in the pure physicality of mark making activities and then gradually realise that they can control the marks they make with increasing dexterity.

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