A sample of our autumn time activities

For more autumn activities, head over to your UP app

Leaf patterns

Support your child's creativity and understanding of pattern and shape in this experience.

Safety first

Supervise your child carefully in woodland and ensure they wash their hands after handling items from the forest.

What to do

While on a walk in the woods or park, encourage your child to collect fallen items such as leaves, sticks, conkers and pine cones. Show your child how you can use these to create patterns or pictures. What ideas do they have of a picture or pattern they would like to make?

More information

This experience supports your child's understanding of shape and pattern as they use the found items to create their own picture.

Journey stick

Keep a record of your woodland walk in this experience

Safety first

Supervise your child carefully in woodland and ensure they wash their hands after handling items from the forest.

What to do

Prior to going to the woods make a memory stick for your child. Take a strip of cardboard and add a strip of sticky backed plastic to each piece on one side. Leave the backing on the paper, however open it slightly to make it easy for your child to remove.
When on your walk show the children that they can find an item such as a leaf or feather, then peel back a small amount of the sticky backed plastic and stick their item on it. Explain to your child that when they spot something to add they need to check with you first to make sure it is safe for them to collect.
As you go on your walk, they can continue to peel back their sticky back plastic and add items to their memory stick. After the walk encourage them to talk about their findings. Which is their favourite? What sort of textures did they find?

More information

When exploring natural materials in an outside space children are more likely to sustain their concentration and perseverance for a longer period of time.

Nature snap

Encourage your child's matching skills in this woodland game

Safety first

Supervise your child carefully in woodland and ensure they wash their hands after handling items from the forest.

What to do

While in the woods with your child find seasonal items such as a conker, leaf or feather.
Challenge your child to play 'snap' and find another one the same as quickly as possible!
Your child can then have a turn and find an item for you to try and 'snap'!

More information

Children are not passive learners - they enjoy participating in 'hands-on' and 'brains-on' activities. The outdoor environment particularly lends itself to this type of practical learning.

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