Below you will find a range of quick and easy activities to do with a shoe box

My doll's house

Use recyclable materials and scraps of fabric to create your own doll's house. Why not stack boxes on top of each other to create a doll's house with several rooms? This will encourage your child's creativity and imagination.

My family box

Make a special family box for keeping in mementos from days out together. Decorate the box with drawings and photos and then use it to keep special items such as a shell from a trip to the beach or a train ticket from a trip to London! Looking back at these items will prompt discussion and will support your child's vocabulary.

Under the sea

Use tissue paper and card with your child to create an under the sea scene in a shoe box. Alternatively you could make a jungle or farm scene if they prefer! Encourage them to talk through their ideas, helping them to create with a purpose in mind and supporting their thinking skills.

My Craft box

Encourage your child to create their own storage box for their craft materials. They could paint it, colour it or collage it. This will help them to keep their resources tidy and understand that they need to put things away when they have finished with them.

Card drop

Cut a hole in a shoe box and create a fun activity for your child as they try and post cards through the slot. This helps your child's pincer grip and spacial awareness

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