Below you will find a range of quick and easy activities to do with a paper plate

Tell the time

Make a paper plate clock to support your child learning how to tell the time. Fix two paper plates together with a split pin and cut some hands out of card. On the top plate write the numbers of a clock face. Support your child in learning to tell the time. For older children, add the minutes on the second plate underneath and cut flaps so children can lift them up and see them.

Paper plate paint

Use a paper plate for your craft activities. These are ideal to use instead of paint pots for younger children as small hands find it easier to dip their brush or sponge in a large surface area. Why not make some dinosaur or animal footprints or do some sponge painting?

My dinner plate

Provide your child with a food magazine and some scissors and encourage them to cut out the food they would like to have on their dinner plate. Not only will this support your child's scissor skills but will also prompt discussion about healthy eating.

Octopus Thread

Use a hole punch to make 8 holes in the bottom of your paper plate and thread through some pipe cleaners. Encourage your child to thread their Octopus legs using beads or dried pasta. They can use felt tip pens to add a face! This activity is ideal to support your child's hand eye coordination and pincer grip.

Snake plate

Cut your paper plate so it makes a spiral. Provide your child with craft materials such as paint, crayons or pens and encourage them to decorate their snake. The snake can then be hung up with string! This supports your child's creativity and fine motor skills.

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